Nesshi Therapy
The Therapy You Need When You've Got Nothing Else To Turn To
A Unique And Effective Treatment
Most of my patients come from far away. They come here not so much for me in particular, but because I am the only practitioner of Nesshi Therapy outside Japan. Let me just say that this may no longer be true. But when you look up Nesshi therapy on line, only my website comes up. If course, you might find more if you searched in the Japanese language. It is powerful and effective and brings the potential patient farther and faster than any other therapy in existence today.
Fixing the Impossible Can Be Possible
I have many successful Colitis and Crohns disease patients. Some of them were weeks from going under the knife. Again the same can be said for menstrual emergencies like profuse uterine bleeding, cysts and endometriosis. Fibromyalgia was made a speciality of ours, back when every other woman around was diagnosed with it. Of course, when you are treating seriously chronically ill people, it is never just one issue or symptom. This is true even though the doctor may just give it a single name. Here are just a few of other possibilities and things we've treated successfully:
-Colitis and Crohns
-Endometriosis, painful menstruation, ovarian cysts
-COPD and other serious Lung problems
-Major digestive issues
-Liver problems
-Insomnia and emotional malaise
-Chronic headaches and migraines
-Prostate and other kidney and bladder problems
Never Easy
Nothing worth doing is 'ever' very easy. Nesshi is the 'complete' journey from dysfunction to function. In the beginning it is only as hot and painful as you are 'out of health' and 'out of balance.' By the last treatment it will be hardly anything at all, because you will have been pulled back into full operational health.
"I just wanted to let you know how well nesshi treatments have worked for me. I can't believe the difference that its made. I'm constantly catching myself and realizing that I don't hurt!!! I'm biking and walking a lot.
My husband has been really great. He's making sure that I'm eating all the right stuff. We now have homemade chicken stock in the freezer at all times. Now might be a good time to invest in chicken futures.
I'm so glad I came to see you."
Linda Limacher, Vancouver, BC
Gentle Joel with the healing of the Nesshi treatment.
"I had unbearable pain in my low back, through the pelvis and into the lower legs. After nine treatments the pain is gone and I can get on with my work. I also had arthritis real bad in my knuckles, shoulders and knee, which is all gone.
The best thing is the hot flushes are down to slow warming. My organs are working properly again...all with the Nesshi treatments."
Thanks, Joel
Clare Austen, Kelowna, BC
Incredible Bowel Movements thanks to Joel Whitehead.
"For Nearly seven years I had an average of two bowel movements per week. I suffered from abdominal pain, very bad gas and low energy. I tried every therapy I could find, conventional and alternative, but nothing worked. Then i tried your treatments. You gave me two weeks of allergy elimination with acupuncture and a week of Nesshi treatments. A week after my last treatment, I suddenly started having bowel movements every day. No more abdominal pain, very little gas and increased energy. It's been two months now and things are still going strong."
I owe you a lot. Thanks, Joel.
Darrin Caruso, Kelowna, BC
"Words can't adequately express my gratitude. It was a scary day after my first Nesshi treatment. I went home wondering what the heck I had committed myself to! (Maybe I should have been committed!)
After almost twenty years of pain and a feeling of helplessness, I found you and you have given me back my spirit. Who would have thought I would be happy to be able to clean my house again?
You are a caring healer, a confidante and a friend. Me and my husband thank you for giving us back our lives.
We can dance again!"
Susan Driussi, Peachland, BC
Personal Note
This is the treatment that changed my life. By the age of thirty, I was in a terrible state of health. I hardly slept. I was in pain all the time. I was irritable and emotionally dysfunctional. My digestion and bowels were barely working. After I was treated by the man who eventually became my teacher, I was determined to stay and study it myself. To this day, as far as I know, I am the only practitioner in North America.