Eliminating Your Allergies
Allergies are clearly becoming recognized as one of the major causes of health problems today. It is hard to turn your attention away from the possibility of allergy being at least part of the picture. It is almost always a factor in most of the patients we see in the clinic today.
My Road to Allergy Elimination
Back in 1996, a person who knew of me, beckoned me to study the NAET (Nambutripad Allergy Elimination Technique) technique. When I took the training in Southern California, I was surprised to encounter doctors from all walks of life, who were taking the training with me. I spoke to one naturopath from Anchorage, Alaska, who had, himself had over 200 clearings from a fellow naturopath before he decided to study the treatment for himself.
I also met a medical doctor from Alameda County near San Francisco. He was saying that his main motive for being there was just staying current. There were over a dozen doctors MD's) in his same area using the technique on an ongoing basis. An eminent psychologist from New York had started a bi-annual conclave on the technique and was currently releasing new research findings. I guess I had to feel privileged to be among the first 1000 doctors to be trained in the technique. But to me, the proof would be in the results I would get in my own clinic.
Why do we get Allergies?
Most allergies are a state of mind or a state of health. According to Dr. Nambutripad, most allergies are accrued after a trauma of some sort or another. Just imagine that you were the victim of a sickness that drained your body of its reserves. Your body-mind computer may well recognize that your immune strength is low. This is when allergy may step up to be your first line of defense. Something that even began to seem like trouble, like dust because dust mites are present, can be stopped at the perimeter. This blocking reaction, the allergy, may be a histamine or a blood stagnation that causes a headache. It could also be a cough, a sneeze, or coagulation of synovial fluids that cause the joints to ache etc.
The Emotional Connection
When we go into emotional shock, the vibrational energies of our subconscious mind may look beyond our overriding state of denial, to find a perpetrator in something more material. For example, let us say that your father is angry and chooses you as the whipping post for all his pent-up fury. Still, in shock, you sit down to eat, but your body-mind chooses to attach that emotional shock to the next thing you put into your mouth. Thereafter it becomes an allergen. Today many doctors are using the technique to rid the body of overriding emotional trauma and having a good deal of success. Dr. Nambutripad suggests that you never should eat if you are upset or overwrought.
The Discovery
Dr. Devi Nambutripad was herself one of the most allergic people on the face of the planet. But at first, she didn’t realize that her problems were possibly of an allergic nature. She attended the lecture about the widening field of allergy of a well-known Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine. So, in order to find some answers, she became a student of Chinese medicine. She soon discovered that the only two things she could eat safely were rice and broccoli. One day while she was boiling up her broccoli, she found that she had absentmindedly started nibbling on a carrot. She gave herself an acupuncture treatment to help lessen the reaction and woke up an hour later feeling perfectly fine. She'd wondered what she’d done. She had used acupuncture before, but would never recover fully then until a couple of days later. Then she looked down and found that she had been laying on a piece of the carrot the whole time. The rest is history, as they say. For she found that by freeing her body’s flow of energy while still being exposed to the allergen, was the first part of the puzzle.
My own findings
Since returning from this training, I have done thousands of treatments. One of my most allergic patients was a person who was born in wartime England. When she was only a month old, a bomb landed in their front garden while her mother was breastfeeding her. The bomb turned out to be a dud but a normally thriving baby became sickly and could no longer handle her mother’s milk. Furthermore, thereafter she cried when her mother held her and their relationship became estranged.
In a person like that, Nambutripad says it is important to test for basic elements like Vitamins B and C and A, and iron and minerals, sugar, protein etc. In this person’s life, the differences have been profound. I was a little nervous at first when I went to treat people for things like allergies to smoke in the room or dust. But, became excited when they came back brimming with thanks at their results.
Of course, balancing, building and moving energies is still basic to health and the biggest part of what a Doctor of Chinese Medicine does. But adding allergy elimination to what I do already, has brought a whole new dimension to my own ideas on holistic healing.
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