Welcome To Lakelands Acupuncture
Dr. Joel Whitehead
Let Me Help You
We are in a unique position in the field of Chinese and natural medicine. People have come from all over because of the work we do. With our Nesshi Therapy and NAET Allergy work combined, we get people when they have no place else to go to get the healing behind the problem. It is a real joy to turn around problems like Colitis and Crohn's Disease, Fibromyalgia, deeply embedded menstrual problems and even pre-cancerous conditions. Of course, we also do a lot of chronically sore backs, shoulder, headaches, and migraines and have a high rate of success. When you are ready, I hope to be able to see you as well.
Effective Tools I Use
Acupuncture “Better To Nourish Life, Than To Work Against Death” Actually, there is so much written on acupuncture. Contrary to when I started, I find that a lot of my patients have had acupuncture before. Furthermore people are starting to…
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NAET Allergy Elimination Allergies Allergy is a misunderstood concept in our modern world. We think we only have allergies when we are sneezing in the Spring, or when we get a stomachache from dairy or a rash from something else we’ve…
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Nesshi Therapy The Therapy You Need When You’ve Got Nothing Else To Turn To A Unique And Effective Treatment Most of my patients come from far away. They come here not so much for me in particular, but because I am…
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